I would like to give nanny's and families a oppurtunity to network and promote my new business as well.  I would like to do it in the form of a carnival where families and nanny's from different backgrounds and areas can comfortably meet, without the pressure.  There will be clowns, games for the children and food.  If you don't find a nanny, at least you will a have fun, family day!  The fee for entrance is $10/ per nanny and $5 per person for a family.  You will be able to meet, ask all the questions you like and see their interaction with the children.  Getting a bite to eat can't hurt either.  While you are there, you will also have an opportunity to let your little girls take advantage of our services.  The additional cost for a Pamper My Princess session will be $20 for that day. (It is normally $35)  This is optional, NOT REQUIRED. Please see the website for what is included.
If you are wanting to participate in this event, please fill out information form and tell me:
  • If you are a family & how many are coming


  • If you are a nanny & and are you bringing anyone with you. If so, how many total.
Lets please remember this is a family friendly event and it will be centered around the children. This event will be in September.